Phone: +61 409 387 551
I am interested in theoretical physics, neutron stars, programming, HPC, mathematics, statistics, and energy systems and modelling. I speak German, and hold a level C1 certification under the CEFRL.
I am currently a forecasting analyst at Proa Analytics, a solar forecasting and energy modelling start-up based in Melbourne, Australia.
My CV is available here: PDF
I obtained an MSc from the University of Melbourne in 2018.
My research focussed on computational studies of neutron star interiors. I studied the dynamics of superfluid vortices which form in the cores of rotating neutron stars, and their relationship to sudden changes in the star's spin angular momentum (so called glitches). I also studied superfluid heat transfer in accreting binary systems (low-mass X-ray binaries), where thermonuclear reactions in the crust of inject heat into the interior.
A copy of my Masters thesis can be downloaded here: PDF
Lönnborn, J. R., Melatos, A. and B. Haskell, "Collective, glitch-like vortex motion in a neutron star with an annular pinning barrier" (2019) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 470:1, 702-710: arXiv
A quantum mechanical simulation of a rotating, decelerating Bose-Einstein condensate.
The black dots are superfluid vortices, which migrate outwards as the fluid spins down. The system exhibits self-organised critility.
Here is a sample of various small projects I have made, mostly for fun. Full source code is available on my GitHub.
Exploring the dependencies between functions in a MATLAB module.
Mapping some of the connections between friends who have lived together
Created: 1/31/2021